About Me
1997 Graduated in Communication Sciences
Escuela de Comunicación Mónica Herrera
Santiago, Chile
2004 Certified Yoga Teacher in Iyengar Tradition
Yogashala - Santiago, Chile
2007 Certified Yoga Teacher in the Krishnamacharya Tradition
KHYF - Chennai, India
2013 Certified Vedic Chanting Teacher
Krishnamacharya Tradition - Chennai, India
2020 Trainer for Mindfulness in Organisations
Mindful Leadership Institut, MLI - Salzburg, Austria
Teaching one-on-one and group yoga classes since 2005

My yogic path
Before getting interested in yoga, I trained and worked as a professional ballet dancer. Later, after graduating in Communication Sciences, I went on to work as a Field Producer in a Natural History TV program on National TV in Chile. After that, for a few years my work was focused on creating children's books, while also working on the management of a private school.
In 2004 I completed my first teacher training in the Iyengar tradition and immediately started teaching yoga in Santiago, Chile.
In January 2005 I traveled to Chennai in South India for the first time to continue my training at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram - KYM. This trip changed my perspective on yoga and life.
In 2007 I received my certification as a yoga teacher in the Krishnamacharya tradition, and in 2013 I received my certification as a Vedic Chanting teacher in the same tradition.
From 2013 until December 2020, apart from teaching yoga, I worked first as International Sales Manager and later as Head of Sales in a medical software company in Munich, this awakened in me the wish to bring the tools of yoga to organisations to promote the wellbeing of everyone in the company and to create better working environments.
Following this wish, in 2015 I took a Mindful Leadership workshop with MLI in Salzburg and in 2020 completed my training as Trainer for Mindfulness in Organisations.
Until 2018 I used to travel twice a year to Chennai to attend different courses and workshops on yoga to dive deeper in the philosophical and practical aspects of it. For the time being I keep learning with my teachers there by attending online programmes.
From 2005 I have accumulated more than 2000 hours in yogic studies, most of them in Chennai, that go from class planning and one-on-one yoga therapy, to deep philosophical learning of the foundational texts used in the Krishnamacharya tradition, like the Yogasutra-s from Patanjali, the Upanishads or the Bhagavad Gita to mention a few. I have also taught one-on-one as well as group classes since 2005. When teaching I bring forth all this wealth of knowledge and also the many hours of personal practice and teaching accumulated during all these years.
My favourite teachings
Both at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram (KYM) and at Yogavahini, the two schools I visit regularly in Chennai, I have learned with excellent teachers that really embody the core of this tradition, which is the connection with our own selves and with others, and the humbleness required to be of service. I try to honour these qualities when teaching.
To offer what is appropriate for the student at any given time has a central place in the Tradition of Sri Krishnamacharya. When I am teaching, this applies for private or group classes, as well as for corporate workshops.
From my perspective, it is also vital that students enjoy learning, reflecting and practicing to discover the lightness in the teachings. Because although any path we take requires certain discipline, if we don't have joy with what we are doing, it will be very difficult to stick to the practice. This is why joy has a central place in the way I teach.
The yogasutra-s from Patanjali are a central piece in this path of growth and transformation, and offer a wealth of tools and ways to learn to be present moment by moment.
I also draw from my Buddhist meditation practices, especially those that are used to awaken a compassionate heart and generosity.
Among the many teachings in the yoga sutra-s and Buddhism, there is one that is very dear to me: the Bramaviharas. Connecting to these four innate attitudes: loving kindness (maitri), compassion (karuna), sympathetic joy (mudita) and equanimity (upeksham) have a central place in the way I live and teach.
“maitrī karuṇā muditopekṣāṇāṁ sukha duḥkhapuṇya apuṇya viṣayāṇāṁ bhāvanātaḥ cittaprasādanam”
-Yogasutra 1.33, the Bramaviharas
Loving kindness and friendliness towards the happy, compassion for the sorrowful, sympathetic joy for others and equanimity, are the four attitudes that will bring peace of mind.